notes from past clients

“Your gentleness during the session was the great mother incarnate. I felt seen and held the entire time. Your reading/healing unearthed some things that needed to be unearthed and I’m feeling that lovely rawness as I integrate. As we worked together to clear what needed to be cleared and call in what was needed the most, I couldn’t help but be in awe at what was coming through. Truly, your guidance humbled me and was a great reminder of how important taking care of my spiritual body is.

I don’t trust most people to do energy work on me, but something told me you were the one I could, and I am so glad I followed that. The purity of the session meant a lot.

As I adjust to this new consciousness, the thing I’m noticing the most is the amount of space she created and that my breaths are deeper.

Thank you for walking me home”

Claire Wilson
This is a main statement from your client that describes how much they loved working with you.

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Danish macaroon macaroon carrot cake gingerbread lemon drops. Sweet roll soufflé soufflé gummies cotton candy cake biscuit brownie bear claw.

Alexa Jones
This is a main statement from your client that describes how much they loved working with you.

Sweet roll soufflé soufflé gummies cotton candy cake biscuit brownie bear claw. Danish macaroon macaroon carrot cake gingerbread lemon drops. Sweet roll soufflé soufflé gummies cotton candy cake biscuit brownie bear claw.

Danish macaroon macaroon carrot cake gingerbread lemon drops. Sweet roll soufflé soufflé gummies cotton candy cake biscuit brownie bear claw.